I am changing the focus of my blog a bit. I won't be writing so much about my personal game, I will post more game tips and discussions and my own opinions. This is the perfect way to practice writing essays which is very useful for an university student like me!
Today I managed to find some time to add a new page to this blog! You can find the "Useful" page on the top bar under the logo. I will gather there all the useful information that my brain can't or doesn't want to memorise lol. There might be something useful for you too, so go and check it out! Anything specific you want to see? If you comment, I can add it!
In this post I want to dive into a controversial topic: stomping. Let's make an example: a team is blupping their horse(s) and, as we all know, they need to have 20 wins in order to complete that. So to make sure that the wins stay in the team, they take up several competitions and fill all the spots with their horses. But suddenly, a player outside team takes up a spot on the competition and wins, meaning the team gets no gain. This is where the opposition forms. When someone stomps repeatedly, it can be very frustrating for the team, wastes their time and the horse's lifespan, if it is not immortal. On the other hand, the player stomping might have no idea they are doing so, plus they have every right to enter any competition they want to enter into.
Teams have the right to be frustrated, because stomping can greatly affect their progress, but there are no rules against stomping and it is all fair play, unless it's a rival team doing it on purpose (unfortunately, Howrse doesn't have any rules against this either). On Facebook drama groups I've seen the pettiest ones sending an angry message to the stomper, who didn't even know they were doing it. Why waste your energy doing so? Focus it on blupping for the team instead, don't let the inevitable get to your head. I think teams should just be patient and keep trying, eventually, the stomping, be it intentional or not, will come to an end.
Now, on to the stompers. Majority of them have no idea they are doing it. They are just entering competitions to do the same as teams do - blup their horse(s). They all are aiming for the same goal and in such situations a little (or alot!) of competition is inescapable. Also, it is possible that the computer is basically stomping: if the stomper has VIP and auto comp, then the system is entering horses in competitions itself and it can't do anything about stomping - the computer just enters, it doesn't choose.
To conclude, stomping is inevitable. There are no rules written down about it and there is really no way out of it. I suggest teams and other bluppers to just keep a cool mind and just move on and keep trying and if you are not an intentional stomper and just are blupping your horse, just keep doing so and do not worry about anything. If a petty and rude user unexpectedly pops up in your inbox, you have every right to report them.
Keep calm and Howrse on!
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