My Howrse

My Howrse


teisipäev, 5. juuni 2012

More pinatas!

So I crashed my pinata and got my apples and diamonds. Next pinata comes with 2 aging points and pandora's box...Well, I don't need that...If I crash 20 pinatas, I'll get a Jupiter,the divine<3

This pinata came with 2 objectives: enter a competition and sell 5 apples. Easy! Rewards:3 bonus clicks (YAY!) and to be able to click pinata once in every 6 hours.

2 kommentaari:

  1. I added you on Howrse, please add me back! Also please could you click my Pinata as often as possible as I only started on horse today so I might not be able to get the Divine horse. Thanks. My name on Howrse is 'Phoenix Flames'. Bye!

  2. I accepted your friend request and I am always checking my friends' requests, so I can help them. You won't be missed! But please click on mine pinata too!
