My Howrse

My Howrse


reede, 19. oktoober 2012

Spanish foal

...was born.
Katie, by Sasha, out of Golden Cat, liver chestnut, filly, 26 stars.

I made a deal with a player and got a high skilled GA Sunlight Gallop. He is Arabian. Visit him under the Golden Apple Horses stable.

laupäev, 13. oktoober 2012

Follow me on Twitter!

My Howrse is now on Twitter! Follow me there! Link:

Arabian foal

...was born.
Dark Hosting, by ???????(unspellable), out of Midnight Thunder, liver chestnut, colt, 64 stars, inborn skills.

I have a suprise in store for all you who read my blog:) Check back to see!

kolmapäev, 10. oktoober 2012

Bramble hedge

I got over the scorpions and new one is bramble hedge. Prizes were:MF bridle, Poseidon's horseshoes and 2 diamonds. Please keep clicking and I will keep too:)

A bunch of Curlies were born. All have inborn skills:
Full Fame, by Full Moon, out of Famous, bay, filly, 18 stars.
Goofing Around, by Curlicue, out of Fera May, chestnut, filly, 13 stars.
California, by Curlicue, out of LilliFee, flaxen chestnut, filly, 18 stars.

teisipäev, 9. oktoober 2012


Finally the stone wall flought into heave thanks to the dynamites(and clicks of course;)). Got turnips and Plouto's Parchment. New ones are scorpions. Please keep clicking! I keep clicking on your obstacles too!

A curly was born:
Contender, by gj conviction, out of Cimmy, filly, chestnut, 18 stars, inborn skills.

pühapäev, 7. oktoober 2012

Stone wall

So snake was bunched into face and I got 5 caloric mashes and Boreas's lunge. New one is stone wall. Please click! I click onto all my friends' obstacles!

A punch of foals were born today.
Curly Commerce, by Colty 51, out of Minnie, colt, dapple gray, 18 stars.
Spanish horse Waka Waka, by Wolfe, out of Apollo Jr., filly, dapple gray, 18 stars, up for aucion(similar to Commerce, eh?:P)
Spanish horse Gaston, by Gallardia, out of Sweet Subterra, black, colt, 19 stars, inborn skills.

reede, 5. oktoober 2012


So in treasure race I got over the plant and I was awarded with 300 apples and a Pandoras' box. New one is snake and I have already crashed a half of it. And onto mine! I click onto all my friends' obstacles!

Curly was born:
Royal Proton, by Peet, out of Royal Ronja, colt, chestnut, 9 stars, up for auction.

kolmapäev, 3. oktoober 2012

Carnivorous plant

...are a next obstacle in treasure race. From last one I got Ow's congratulations and 2 diamonds.

Keep clicking onto my obstacles! I will click onto all my friends'!

teisipäev, 2. oktoober 2012

Spider web of the treasure race

Yeah, I crashed my 2nd obstacle and got 10% energy for my horses and WL saddle. New one is spider web. I have got 3 clicks out of 10 so far. I really wanna complete this event, because prize is really sweet: Treasure chest and divine horse Earth. Please keep clicking! I click onto all my friends' obstacles! So friend me if you wanna a click!

esmaspäev, 1. oktoober 2012

Treasure race

Treasure race event has started. It is same as the pinata event was, only this time you have to crash a obstacle. I alreday crashed  my first one. Prizes were: 2 aging points and Achilles' heel. The new one hasn't got any clicks, so please click onto my obstacles! I will click onto all my friends' obstacles!

A canadian foal was born:
Mowgli, by Musical Ride, out of Winter gorgeous, filly, liver chestnut, 16 stars, up for auction.