My Howrse

My Howrse


neljapäev, 7. juuni 2018

A guide to blupping your horses

Hello again!

What is this? Two posts in one week? When did that last happen? Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you, this is the second post this week! Hooray!

Every third post on Facebook Howrse groups is asking about blupping. I have to agree, it took me years to understand this system, it can be very confusing for beginners. But worry no more, I am here today to share with you one way to do it - my way!

Please note that all pictures in this post have been taken by me!

The base for blupping is the horse's three best skills. You can find it out, when going to the "Genetic" tab. There you will see your horse's full genetic potential (or GP) and its breakdown. The top three best skills are the ones which work towards increasing your horse's blup. Fully train these skills.

Here is the GP breakdown of one of my horses. Circled are his
three best skills, which count towards his blup.

When you finish training these three best skills, start entering the horse in competitions. Having 20 wins* is vital for getting 100 blup. All wins are counted towards the 20, no matter the discipline or the event. I suggest you to use tack with as high bonuses as possible, to have a bigger chance at winning. Competitions also gain your horse skills, so make sure you take part in competitions that increase your horse's three best skills also. Skills can be gained only in a limited number of competitions, meaning your horse won't be able to forever gain skills competing. Make sure you gain all that is possible to gain in your horse's three best skills.
*Some horses happen to be less lucky and getting even a few wins might seem impossible, but if this is the case, I suggest you to finish rides first and then try competing again, because skills is usually what the non-winners lack.

Simultaneously, when there is some energy left after entering competitions, you should take the horse for rides. Each ride increases three different skills. Take your horse on rides where it's three best skills are increased. Often you have to complete both forest and mountain rides, but there are breeds which require only one ride. You have to complete rides, which means you have to perform this activity until there are no skills left to be gained from it.

This horse has no skills left to be gained from rides.
This horse has skills that can still be gained from rides.

If you have finished all these three steps, your horse's three best skills should now be bolded (see picture below) and you horse fully blupped! You can complete this in a different order, but it is a great idea to train and ride your horse before entering competitions, so it will have bigger chances to win.

This horse's three best skills are bolded, which means the horse
has gained all the possible bonuses in these skills in addition
to training.

Seems easy? Yes it is, once you get the hang of it. Blupping only affects breeding, but what about the skills? It is an important aspect, if your aim is to compete and get good results with your horse. But this will be discussed in a future post!

See you around!