My Howrse

My Howrse


neljapäev, 5. aprill 2018

Looking back at the Memory Game


Phew! This semester in uni has been extra crazy! I've been wanting to write a blog post for a long time, but literally every free minute is spent on stuDYING -.-

A new event started today, but let's take a look at the previous event, the Memory Game. I used to do Yay or Nays about events, this is something similar, but gives a broader overview and also has pictures!

Please note that all the pictures in this post have been taken by me!

The Memory Game was just as you'd expect it to be - a memory game! There were 26 levels altogether and every one of them granted you a prize. You could also get some smaller items for matching tiles with the item's picture it gave out, but these were simpler ones, like APs, tack, fortunes etc.

With a little help in the form of a paper and pencil, this game could be made fairly easy! I just wrote down all the tiles and progressed pretty fast! I made it to level 21, which is so close to 22 where I could have gotten a Falabella divine! As always, there was a divine at the end of the board, but for non-pass-using players those are always out of reach, tough I have to admit, this time it was closer!

There was something new with the jokers that I liked - every day one of them was offered for free for one use! One of them revealed some unturned tiles for a few seconds and the other ones indicated tiles from the same family for a few seconds also. The former was very useful, the second I found great when the board was down to fewer tiles.

You couldn't go on forever, there were lives, that you received every day when logging in. It was great that they stacked as I was some days only able to log in for a sec to collect them.

On the second picture I have the level I managed to get to. I forgot to log on in the last morning, which I regret, because I was really hoping for that Harmony pack, but there will be another chance for sure...

The new event, Icelandic hike has proved to be promising also. It has a new and interesting platform. Iceland is also a very interesting place, I would really like to travel there one day, so it's kind of a win-win.

That's all for this time! Have a nice day and good luck, the purge starts in just five days...