My Howrse

My Howrse


esmaspäev, 1. august 2016

Thrills and spills

Hello dear howrsers!

My summer has been a  jam packed one, I've even had a two week hiatus from Howrse, because my laptop broke down :( Now they are fixing it and I have a old PC for use that is almost as old as me lol, but works like clockwork! Talking about age, I celebrated my 18th birthday recently! So, bear in mind that when you want to message me, kids, you are talking with an (not-so)adult :P

Tanya has given me one more skiller: Ravensdale. He is her last foal, because Tanya's health is already decreasing and I don't want to risk losing foals. But Kept Secret is in foal for the first time! I bred her with best available horse(a purebred Lusitano) on Howrse and let's see what comes out! c:

Opal has turned out to be a superb trail class horse! He always comes back with golden throphies! I hope that one day, when I have skilled him enough, he will earn me a rosette or two c: #bhfdreams

A skiller that I once bought, Triton, has been standing in my stable doing nothing. I have tried to sell him, but my prices seem to be too high oops. Anyways, he is available, just mail me with an offer!

The maze event is back, but this time it's simpler: you can move more than ever before and instead of one maze there are many small mazes with prizes at the end of each. I am currently aiming for the new Drum horse c: I even found a vintage Apple and used it on Fine Design, who is now a flaxen chestnut Akhal-Teke of the old version c:

It's Hellboy's first week at the Grand Prix! Fingers crossed everyone! I hope he does well and manages to break my personal placing records! Current record is 720-something held by Fusion at trot race.

I have nothing else to write currently, but you can check out some horses with new coats I have managed to put on c: See them yourself ---> Fine Design, Taeyon, Attila(Ow's Helios' ray background).

See ya!

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